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Hello 6th Graders! 

Hi! I'm Ms. Morgenthaler (Ms. M for short) 

I grew up attending Jeffco Schools and graduated from Conifer High School. 

Here's a picture of me in the 6th Grade. 

I attended CU Boulder and graduated with a BA in Neuroscience and History. I then returned to CU to earn my Elementary Teacher Licensure. I student taught 4th grade at Maple Grove Elementary in Golden. 

Here is a picture of me at my graduation. 

I am the oldest of three girls. My sisters are my best friends. They are both amazing, intelligent and creative. They've already donated many of their creative abilities and love to our classroom by helping to decorate, design and build many of the things that will make our classroom a rockin' place to be. Here we are getting ready to go camping this summer. 

I am a Girl Scout Leader for a troop of High School Girl Scouts. Two summers ago we went on an inspiring and beautiful camping trip to Glacier National Park in Montana. This year we are hoping to raise money to take a trip to Europe! The girls in our troop have been writing emails to pen-pals in Ireland who are also Girl Guides (Girl Scouts are called Girl Guides in many other countries). We hope that we will be able to meet them in person in Ireland this summer. 

Here is a picture of my troop exploring Waterton Lakes National park in Alberta, Canada. 

I am a volunteer for Destination Imagination. I am the Regional Challenge Master for the Scientific Challenge in Jeffco and the Affiliate Challenge Master for the Service Learning Challenge for the State of Colorado. I LOVE the creative problem solving, collaboration and innovation skills that kids gain in DI and I strive to bring opportunities to develop these essential skills in to my classroom. If you have any questions about getting involved in DI (which I highly encourage!) feel free to ask me. 

I also LOVE my dogs. Piper is a fun, sweet cuddly Golden Retriever. Her absolute favorite past-times are licking people's legs and catching tennis balls. 

Maggie is a curious, enthusiastic, lovable Border Collie puppy. As of August, she is 6 months old and just bursting with cuteness. 

I am so excited to be teaching 6th grade at Kyffin this year! We are going to have an awesome year together! 

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